How to Protect Your Full Dentures From Unnecessary Damage

Welcome to my blog, guys! This blog is going to be about a subject which is very close to my heart. In the last year, various members of my family have been affected by illness and disease. I had never had to help someone deal with a medical problem before so I was in the dark. The GP and the hospital staff I have dealt with have all been fantastic and offered me some great advice. Thankfully, my mum and my sister have now made full recoveries. I wanted to start this blog as a way of showing thanks and to help others.

How to Protect Your Full Dentures From Unnecessary Damage

1 August 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Dentures may be more affordable than other tooth restorations such as implants, but this does not mean that they are cheap. Similarly, getting repairs for damaged dentures will also set you back a bit. Therefore, if you don't take care of your dentures, there's a high chance that you will end up spending a lot of money just to maintain a beautiful smile. Luckily, things don't have to be this way—you don't have to spend extra money on denture maintenance. You can protect them from damage and save your money by observing the following tips. 

Handle with care

Dentures are fragile devices. They can easily break if they fall on a hard surface. When this happens, they won't fit properly until you repair them. That's why you should be careful when removing and cleaning them. Hold them firmly over the sink during cleaning to protect them from sliding and falling into the sink. After cleaning, place them safely over the counter, preferably somewhere they won't be accidentally knocked over. Avoid leaving your dentures next to the bed where they can be knocked down as you fumble for your phone or alarm clock in the dark.

Keep dentures moist

Dentures are usually made from an acrylic material which should remain moist at all times to preserve its structure. They should never be left to dry, as they will lose their shape and fit incorrectly in the mouth. As you go to bed, place your dentures in a glass or bowl with water so that they can remain moist and maintain their shape. Also, watch out for any underlying health conditions that can give you a dry mouth. If you suffer from dry mouth, drink water and other fluids regularly to moisten the mouth and protect your dentures.

Clean regularly

Failure to clean your dentures every day will cause them to accumulate bacteria. The bacteria feed on the sugar in your food and accumulate on the dentures, causing a sticky layer of film to develop on the teeth. This is known as plaque, and it causes the dentures to appear stained and unappealing. Clean your dentures before going to bed to protect them from plaque and bacteria. You only need to use warm water and a soft-bristle brush. You can also use a denture-cleaning solution. Rinse and store them in water in readiness for use the following day.

Dentures require proper care to maintain their structure and prevent damage. Contact a denture clinic for denture repairs if you have cracked or broken dentures.

About Me
Dealing with Illness and Disease

Welcome to my blog, guys! This blog is going to be about a subject which is very close to my heart. In the last year, various members of my family have been affected by illness and disease. I had never had to help someone deal with a medical problem before so I was in the dark. The GP and the hospital staff I have dealt with have all been fantastic and offered me some great advice. Thankfully, my mum and my sister have now made full recoveries. I wanted to start this blog as a way of showing thanks and to help others.
