Welcome to my blog, guys! This blog is going to be about a subject which is very close to my heart. In the last year, various members of my family have been affected by illness and disease. I had never had to help someone deal with a medical problem before so I was in the dark. The GP and the hospital staff I have dealt with have all been fantastic and offered me some great advice. Thankfully, my mum and my sister have now made full recoveries. I wanted to start this blog as a way of showing thanks and to help others.

Exploring Independent Nurse Practitioner Jobs: A Guide to Finding the Right Fit

14 December 2023
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

The healthcare sector presents a plethora of opportunities for individuals drawn to making a difference in people's lives. Among these, the role of an independent nurse practitioner stands out. This unique position combines the autonomy of a doctor with the patient-centric care of a nurse. Here's an in-depth look at what this job entails and how to find the one that's right for you. Understanding the Role of an Independent Nurse Practitioner Read More …

The Importance of Happiness: How to Balance Your Emotions for Wellness

27 June 2023
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Enhancing your overall well-being can be a challenging endeavour. While you may make positive changes to improve your physical health, without happiness, your wellness goals may remain unfulfilled. Happiness serves as a foundation for greater well-being. If you find yourself struggling in this area, it's essential to explore strategies for addressing it. When you experience genuine happiness, it has a profound effect on your perspective. Life appears more positive, and you're less likely to engage in harmful behaviours such as excessive drinking or smoking. Read More …

About Me
Dealing with Illness and Disease

Welcome to my blog, guys! This blog is going to be about a subject which is very close to my heart. In the last year, various members of my family have been affected by illness and disease. I had never had to help someone deal with a medical problem before so I was in the dark. The GP and the hospital staff I have dealt with have all been fantastic and offered me some great advice. Thankfully, my mum and my sister have now made full recoveries. I wanted to start this blog as a way of showing thanks and to help others.
